A group of parishioners worked under the sun's heat to finish the landscaping project on the North De Anza Boulevard lawn. These parishioners are Ron Palma, Ed Johnson, Maureen and Henry Paavy, Vince Chetcuti , Haufai Auyeung and his wife, Christina Salvatore, Tom Lewis, Claudio Hanger, Laura Lo , John Russel and his team of Apple employees. The City of Cupertino funded the landscaping project. Kudos to all of them!
40 Weeks: An Ignatian Path to Christ with Sacred Prayer is a highly practical, easily understood, week-by-week Ignatian spiritual discipline. It allows a person's integrated healing and peace in Christ. Participants learn to bring their lives to Christ for healing, connect their daily lives with Christ, and discern truth from falsehood in their core identity. Sacred Story prayer is modeled on St. Ignatius' classic examination of conscience, a proven path to spiritual growth. Fr. William M. Watson, SJ, author of the program, writes: "Sacred Story practice focuses attention on things that are both delightful and difficult to experience. But as St. Ignatius learned, focusing attention on the difficult things is very fruitful. These aspects of your life history have the potential to rob you of hope, joy, love, and freedom. You can experience deeper, lasting peace by letting difficulties arise and allowing the Divine Physician to heal you. We have nothing to fear with Christ by our side." There are now two groups running the 40 Weeks in the Parish. The second group begins their journey on Sunday, May 26, from 3:00 - 4:00 pm in the Rectory Staff Room. It's still not too late to register. Registration is free at https://stjosephofcupertino2.flocknote.com/signup/165458.
Due to conflicts in the facility reservations, there won't be any ballroom dancing classes on May 16 and May 30. The last session for May is on May 23. This will still be in Parish Hall from 7:30 p.m. through 8:30 p.m. The ballroom dancing classes will take a summer break from June through July. Please watch out for announcements when the classes will resume.