Effective June 11, the 3pm Sunday Mass is be cancelled. Parishioners who go to his Mass are encouraged to participate in any of the following weekend Masses: 5pm Saturday anticipated Mass; 9:30pm, 11:00 am, and 5:00 pm Sunday masses. The Eucharistic Adoration, Exposition, and Benediction moves to Wednesdays from 9:00 am through 12:15 pm in the Chapel. This is to accommodate our School's religious activities which often all on a Friday. The Tuesday Confession and Eucharistic Exposition in the church is suspended until June 30, 2023. During this time parishioners are encouraged to avail of the Sacrament of Penance every Saturday from 3:30 pm through 5:00 pm in the Reconciliation Room; and come to the new schedule of the Eucharistic Adoration, Exposition, and Benediction.