The Parish will have a ministry fair for parishioners to sign up for the ministry or ministries where their gifts might be put to good use. God has given each person gifts. These gifts come in the form of time, talent and treasure. No one is an owner of these gifts, but merely a steward. Stewardship is taking responsibility for the gifts God has given, which is everything, and using them well to make disciples of all nations. If one claims to follow Jesus, one should be striving to live as a good steward. Once a person chooses to be a disciple of Christ, stewardship is not an option. God's gifts are meant to be shared not hoarded. If one hoards them and do nothing with them, one wastes the gift God has entrusted to him or her. During the month of March certain groups of ministries will be showcased each week to provide an opportunity for parishioners to see where each of them can give back to God what God has given him or her.