Date Night Series is part of the Parish's Adult Enrichment Program. It is in partnership with the Witness to Love, a virtues-based, Catechumenate model of marriage renewal and preparation that integrates modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship. The Date Night Series is a Be Light 5 Year Marriage Enrichment Movement that draws married Catholic couples closer together in Christ while being transformed into family missionary disciples within their own communities. This path not only supports newly married couples during the fundamental first five years of their marriage but also helps all married couples in a community to open their hearts to the powerful way God remains present to them and in the Holy bond of Matrimony. The five-year sequence builds upon the opportunities for growth and fulfillment that takes place over and over again in the intimate and personal way Christ encounters Catholic married couples in their interactions together. Be Light Marriage Enrichment Small Groups provide an intentional pathway to continue the journey as a newly married couple with your chosen mentors and invite other couples to be part of the experience. Join today and let your marriage Be Light! Register for the 2nd session at